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Yes, jumping to that conclusion is probably as much a self defence move as anything.


Thank you. I am rather sorry to hear about your own experience, but sadly not at all surprised. I have had several similar experiences in the past, and I know how badly women can react. When something like that happens, some can take it as a direct attack against their attractiveness and desirability. From their point of view, that can be extremely insulting and hurtful, so I guess it should be no surprise that they so quickly turn to the one possible explanation which softens the blow.

It could be worse I suppose. Two such times in my own distant past, it led to violence (not by me). Tiring as it may be to face this constant assumption of being gay, I can live with that rather better than being put in hospital the way I was by one particular woman, who reacted very badly indeed…

draymond's avatar
wrote on February 9 2010 @ 03:42 am: [report]

Letter one: It is entirely possible for a guy to really enjoy your conversation, like hanging around with you, enjoy going to sports events, movies, and comedy shows with you and still not find you sexually attractive. And the chances of that changing are about nil. It takes two to be in love so you either have to accept being in the friend zone or not at all.