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The point is how can I be bitter about not having something I never had and what’s the point of wishing for something that I cannot control. Don’t get me wrong I have broody cravings and there’s a part of me that fantasizes about having a child but fantasies are by their nature so much more inviting than realities.

I only have to look at my friends with kids to know having kids is a tough reality. And more than anything what freaks me out about having a kid is the commitment of it. I find it difficult to hold down a relationship for more than three months. A kid is for life. Would I really be up for the task?

This is a pretty reasonable doubt when you’re female, single and approaching forty but it would appear that it’s not a doubt that Liz Jones of the Daily Mail suffered from at my age. Instead she deceived two men in a bid to steal their sperm and get pregnant.

She explains her subterfuge in a recent article. While I have to say I have nothing against her cravings or her initiative for that matter, I see no reason why it’s necessary to bring down a significant percentage of the female population with her.

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In the article she warns men to be wary of women approaching forty, claiming that they will do whatever it takes to get knocked up. I have to say this is utter rubbish and a woman who is capable of this kind of dishonesty will be capable of it at any age and would most likely end up pregnant way before forty.

I mean, for Christ’s sake, as it is women approaching forty, particularly those that may not have solid careers or are without a stable partner have a tough enough time as it is in the world. Do we have to brandish them as sperm-stealers too?



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