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Being ‘progressive’ does not necessarily correlate with being non-racist any more than it correlates with being charitable. Studies have shown that those who self-identify as religious conservatives are actually more likely to donate to private charities, for instance, than those who identify as ‘liberal.’ So there’s a clear difference between public policy beliefs and personal actions, between what we’re willing to do ourselves and what we think others should be forced to do.

The KKK is strongly socialist. Nazi stands for ‘national socialist’ and despite what many people were brainwashed to believe in schools, a great deal of it was based on Marx. “1000 year reich” is a direct theft from Marx (Who, I think, was ripping off Christianity). The Democratic party was the political wing of the KKK for over 70 years. Margaret Sanger once supported forced eugenics (but later advocated voluntary programs via racially slanted promotion of abortions). Republicans voted for the Civil Rights in far greater numbers than Democrats. Today, the philosophy among some ideological progressives has changed to “only whites can be racist.” The claim is that only power matters in accusations of racism, but the clear result is treating people differently based on race. The problem is that “afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted” does not resolve conflicts while “equality before the law” does.

The elimination of, say, affirmative action in favor of basing admissions on test results is called racist by those who identify as progressive. Any objective result, such as test scores, is labeled as ‘racist.’ African Americans who are politically conservative are told they’re “not real blacks.” (As if ‘Black’ was a political ideology.)
All of these things demonstrate a strong progressive belief that race should be taken into consideration when judging a person, which would normally be called racism.

So it remains to be proven, at least, whether those who self-identify as progressives are less likely to exhibit race based behavior or if they’re simply people who believe that morality is what we tell other people to do, not what we do ourselves.