The Diva Cup Scares The Crap Out Of Me

En bref Free Dating
Date de début 17.12.2022
Date de fin 17.12.2022
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Have you ever heard of the Diva cup? Well, I have and while I was on a date with a girl I met on a free dating site recently–I am officially on break from scouring the online personals for a while.

While I was on a date with Rebecca, (oh yes…I’m going to say her name because she deserves to be called out for this.) I couldn’t help but notice how strong she was coming on to me. I knew half way through appetizers that I was going to get lucky that night. I took her back to my place and things got pretty hot and heavy. She told me that she needed to do one little thing before we got down to business. And to my horror, she proceeded to reach into her vagina and pull out what looked like a Kool-Aid cup out of her twat–and trust me, it didn’t make me want to say “Oh yeahhhh!” In fact, I let out a scream like a little girl who found her parents bumping uglies and knocked the contents of “Pandora’s cup” all over my new sheets.

She apologized to me and told me she had just finished her period that night and forgot (yes, FORGOT) that she still had this giant plastic cup filled with menstrual blood still left in her hoo-haa. What the f*ck?

Now ladies, I know this bi0-degradable and re-usable (GAG) substitute for tampons and pads is supposed to work wonders, but I think the lot of you use this disgusting device to trick guys to have sex with you when you are on your rags and that is wrong and more importantly, it’s entrapment.

Seriously, how f*cking horny do you have to be when you are gushing more blood than any sequel in the Saw series? The only things you should have stuffed up inside you at that point in your menstrual cycle is a super plus tampon.

I guess this is my karma for my talking about how women should give mandatory blow jobs on their periods. I will forever be scarred by the sight of the used diva cup. The horror! The horror!

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