My 2nd OkCupid Chick

En bref Dating
Date de début 21.01.2021
Date de fin 23.01.2021
Cette rencontre concerne le groupe
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I’ve been getting a lot of messages on OkCupid lately. It’s hard to keep up with them all…

Recently, I get one from a suburbanite white chick, she messaged me first, the following:

you have a lot your asking for. but you seem geniune. i hate the fact that mose people use this site for a good time and it seems that most girls set that standard for all girls and i myself am not that type of girl. i hate smokers. i dont work out at all i’m just fit. i’m not sure what i’m looking for or if i’m looking for anything and i like the fact your open.

I converse with her back and forth for a couple of days, then tell her to text me and I’ll take her out for a smoothie (she’s 20).

I text her, set up a date. As the week starts, it’s currently looking like this:

Tuesday: This OkCupid chick…

Wednesday: Ghetto Club (who just recently got back from a 2-week trip to London and Paris, so I was sure planning on fucking her proper)

Thursday: The Huge IOI Waitress

3 days, 3 dates planned. Almost Gmac-ish.

I roll up to the smoothie place Tuesday and call her when I’m on the way… “I’m on the way, you there yet?”

“Oh my gosh dude! I’m so sorry! I’m out in [hobunk fucking town]! I hadn’t heard from you in a few days, so I didn’t know we were still on!”

“You’re in [hobunk fucking town]?”

“Yeah, I’m out here at a my friend’s. Do you want to come out here?”


“Oh, well… I could meet you at 9. There’s a [diner] at [intersection]. I don’t even have make-up on though, but I want to meet you…”

“Alright, we could grab a couple of milkshakes there.” [Why the fuck am I agreeing to this?]

“Okay, I’ll call you when I’m leaving here.”


I get off the phone. Now what the fuck am I going to do for the next hour… I have no idea. Do I really want to chill with this chick on her terms at some diner? Not really…

Almost as soon as we get off the phone, she texts me…

Her, 8:03 pm: I feel terrible

Her, 8:04 pm: Do youu wanna come.out to [hobunk fucking town] [What the fuck? Didn't I already disagree to this on the phone...]

Me, 8:10 pm: Naw. [Hobunk fucking town] is so far…. we’ll just hang out another night. I’m about to go visit a friend at work.. [It's bullshit, I'm going home, but the message is to regain hand]

Her, 8:11 pm: Meet me I have no make up on but I wanna at least say hi

Her, 8:12 pm: Thursday night or even tomorrow youu just have to remind me

Me, 8:16 pm: I’ll hit you up tomorrow… we’ll figure something out.

Her, 8:17 pm: Deal :) I get off at four

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to chill with her or not. I might could squeeze her in before my date with Ghetto Club on Wednesday, so I decide to do that.

After some texting the next day, I find out that not only does she get off of one job at 4:00, but she starts her second job at 6:00. Small window of opportunity, but it’s fine since I’m not too interested on pushing for the notch right now since I’m fucking Ghetto Club later anyway.

I show up at 4:30, she’s not there yet. I go to take a piss, and she shows up. We grab some tea (tea date), she pays, and then we sit outside.

She wanted to sit outside. I don’t know why I let that happen. Being lazy. I should lead more with these online chicks, but I lay off for some reason, because I just feel like I’m inheritantly higher value than them… so, it makes my game lazy and aloof – as opposed to my normal asshole, teasing/dominating game.

So, rather than the asshole, teasing/dominating game that I would run on a girl like say.. Ghetto Club, or Crush, or some random chick in a bar… I’m just aloof and DHVing.

She figgets with her phone a lot and looks down a lot – has trouble making eye contact. I figure she’s just shy and hasn’t warmed up to me yet. She warms up more as the date goes on though.

Early in the date, she lets me know that she cancelled her plans to go to other job, her and her boss are good friends, so she just told him she had a date and he was like, “really? go!”

Ha. Okay. Fuck, I’m not trying to entertain her all evening though – I got Ghetto Club to chill with.

After I finish my tea, and she throws hers away because she doesn’t like it, we walk around the strip for a bit. We go in some store which turns out to just be women’s clothes (I didn’t know), and I rush us out of there fairly quickly, before it turns into her shopping for shit.

We’re holding hands and walking around, and then we go in Walmart…. hey, it was there. Classy date, I know…. I’m a classy guy.

She makes a crack about it at one point.. “I can’t believe I’m spending a date walking around a Walmart”

“Hey. Shut up. You’re having a blast and you know it.”

She smiles.

At one point, she starts pushing me, so I start pushing her back. We’re trying to push each other into shit in order to knock shit off of the shelves. Don’t ask why… what else is there to do? It’s Walmart.

We go around to the toys section and I start playing with one of those big rubber balls, she gets one too. I consider throwing mine at her, but she beats me to the punch. She throws her ball at me and runs off around the corner before I get her back.

Now, I’m walking down aisles dribbling a fucking rubber ball and wondering where the hell did she go. I literally can’t find her.

Then, I see her.. she walks by aisles away from from me, still looking towards me and laughing.

Ahh.. fuck it. I give up. I shoot my ball back into the ball thing like a basketball and move on.

We wind up looking at birthday cards, laughing at the funny ones and making fun of the corny ones.

Then, I decide that’s enough of this and we leave Walmart.

We head back towards our cars and talk a bit. When we get near my car, I just lean up on the wall and she stands there near me and we talk some more.

It’s past 6:00 and I literally don’t know what do with this date, as I didn’t expect it to go on the long because she was supposed to have another job to go to. Plus, I’m getting hungry. I decide it’s time for me to bounce, go grab something to eat and then it’ll be time to go pick up Ghetto Club.

So, I seed that I’m about to leave and ask her what she’s about to get into… “I’m going to get my nails done…”

“Alright.” I grab her and pull her in and go for the kiss. She practically jumps on me, she must’ve been waiting for it. She’s well into making out with me and then I pull back and seed a future date projection. ”What you doing next week?”

“You.” she says, gives me a fuck face, looks me up and down, touches my chest and then turns around and walks off towards her car… Ha! I wasn’t expecting that.

I smirk, laugh. ”Alright” I say and then I get in my car in drive off.

That was an interesting little buying temperature peak from her at the end there. I didn’t expect such straight forwardness. It almost bothers me because I feel like now that she said that… it’s mine to fuck up.

Fuck up avoidance time it seems…

Lieu de l'événement