Flirty Banter and Boundaries: The Art of Playful Teasing in Relationsh

En bref When Sexting Is More Than Words: The Playful Path to Connection
Date de début 28.01.2021
Date de fin 30.01.2021
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Anyway, guess I’m just trying to say that yes, I know what you mean.

Damnit! I just had this convo 3 hours ago with a girl i have been fucking. Background: She asked to come over yesterday, but i turned her down cause i didn’t have time. Translated from another language, so sorry if it turns out odd:

Me: Just got home. Come over
Her: Would be nice but i have a huge fever and i’m really sick i can’t😦
Me: Oh😦 maybe on the weekend then. Get well(i don’t usually use smilies and she actually mention this earlier: “you never use smilies when you text…i never have any idea if you are happy or mad”)
Her: I would love to come over but i can’t skip school either cause i’ll fail otherwise. Bugger…but we’ll see then
Me: You’ve been skipping school? I’ll have to discipline you next time we see😉
Her: You think it’s nice to sit here when you talk like that?😦😦 don’t bully the sick…(she had previously told me to “make her submit” during sex)
Me: You’re creative and you have fingers😉
Her: But i would rather use you😀
Me: Ofc, but you should use the opportunity now that you have my permission. I’m going to require a report with pictures though…
Her: If i could just get rid of my pants but it’s so cold😦 but maybe ill have nice dreams about what you would do to me…
Me: No report eh? You’re quite a masochist… We’ll see if you survive next time we meet
Her: I won’t survive even here if you tease me like that…

So no nudes for me. Logistics could’ve been an issue since she doesn’t have a smartphone.

I find it works to start the nudez ball rolling with a sarcastic playful teaser pic or two of some non-erotic body part, e.g. a picture of my leg in my dirty fatigue shorts with the caption “white trash camo calf porn.” They usually then up the ante. The current girl didn’t send any back, but on our next date she gave me a cutesy homemade scrapbooked card filled with nudez inviting me to a “face down ass up party” in her bed. Keeper.


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